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About Us

Pt Surya Artha Sukses

PT Surya Artha Sukses envisions itself as a trailblazer in the industry, offering cutting-edge safety solutions, machinery, construction equipment, and manpower services while prioritizing sustainability. Committed to excellence, our mission encompasses delivering top-notch safety products and equipment adhering to global standards, furnishing skilled manpower services to enhance workplace efficiency, fostering a culture of innovation to address industrial demands effectively, nurturing robust partnerships with stakeholders for mutual growth, and actively contributing to national development through infrastructure projects. With a steadfast commitment to our vision and mission, PT Surya Artha Sukses pledges to be the dependable ally for customers, catering to their industry and trade requisites with unwavering dedication and integrity


To be an industry leader in providing innovative and quality safety solutions, machines, construction equipment and man power services to advance industry and commerce in a sustainable manner


1. Provide high quality safety products, machinery and equipment that meet international standards to ensure safety and productivity in various industrial sectors. 2. Providing skilled and trained man power services with high standards, thereby making a significant contribution to improving work efficiency and quality in the workplace. 3. Committed to continuous innovation in finding better and more effective solutions for industrial and trade needs. 4. Establish strong partnerships with customers and suppliers to ensure high customer satisfaction and continued mutually beneficial business relationships. 5. Play an active role in supporting infrastructure development and national economic development by providing quality goods and services for construction projects and other industries

Our Product

Quality Products

Discover our range of Quality Products designed to exceed your expectations. From durable construction materials to cutting-edge safety equipment, we ensure excellence in every detail

Safety Product

Safety Products are products specifically designed to improve safety in various work environments and daily activities

Machinery & Sparepart

Machinery & Sparepart refers to the provision of machinery and associated spare parts needed for various industrial and construction purposes


Building & Construction is a sector involved in the physical construction of building structures and infrastructure.

Our Service

Your Satisfaction, Our Commitment

Where customer happiness drives every action we take. Trust us to go above and beyond to ensure your needs are met with excellence. Experience our unwavering dedication firsthand

Man Power

Why Choose Us?

Elevate Your Standards with PT Surya Artha Sukses: Pioneering Excellence in Safety, Machinery, and Sustainability

PT Surya Artha Sukses, we are dedicated to elevating your standards by pioneering excellence in safety, machinery, and sustainability. With a commitment to innovation and quality, we provide top-tier safety solutions, state-of-the-art machinery, and cutting-edge construction equipment. Moreover, we prioritize sustainability in all aspects of our operations, ensuring that our services not only meet your needs but also contribute positively to the environment and society. Choose us to experience a new standard of excellence in safety, machinery, and sustainability

Innovative Solutions

We pride ourselves on being pioneers in the industry, consistently providing cutting-edge safety solutions that exceed industry standards

Comprehensive Services

From top-of-the-line machinery to high-quality construction equipment and skilled labor services, we offer a comprehensive suite of solutions to meet all your project needs under one roof

Sustainability Focus

Our commitment to sustainability sets us apart. We integrate eco-friendly practices into our operations, ensuring that your projects are not only efficient but also environmentally responsible

Visionary Leadership

With a clear vision of being trailblazers in the industry, you can trust us to stay ahead of the curve, continuously innovating and adapting to meet the evolving needs of the market

Reliability and Trustworthiness

Count on us for reliability and trustworthiness. We prioritize integrity in all our dealings, ensuring transparency and accountability every step of the way

Customer-Centric Approach

our satisfaction is our priority. We tailor our solutions to your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive personalized service and support throughout your project journey

Our Contact

Charting the Course to Safety and Sustainability: Your Trailblazing Partner in Industry Solutions

Navigate the ever-changing landscape of industry with confidence alongside our trailblazing partnership. At the helm of safety and sustainability, we are your steadfast guide, illuminating the path towards success and resilience


Trio Building suite 201, Jalan Mampang Prapatan No 17 E-N Mampang Prapatan, Jakaeta Selatan 12790, indonesia


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